Asian massage
Asian massage is any physical touch-based body therapy. In Asian massage, people initially wore clothes, but over the years, it evolved to minimal coverage to allow an abundant flow of energy. The various Asian massage styles include; acupressure. Like acupuncture, it involves locating the acupoint,but instead of using needles, the pressure gets applied to this point, and the tension is released. Another style of Asian Massage is Amma, or rather Anma. This style also locates acupoints then pressure and deep tissue massage are applied to release the tension. Chi Nei Tsang is another popular style of Asian massage; this style uses old Taoist techniques centered oninternal organs. Here the internal organs are deeply but gently massaged; the abdomen is oiled and stroked by the palm,making one feel relaxed. Asian massage style Jin Shin Jyutsu focuses on 26 acupoints rather than 300. These 26 points are known as Safety Energy Locks (SELs). A practitioner using his hands, gently massages these 26 points to open up energy flow and healing.
Shiatsu, translated from Japanese as "finger pressure." This style involves tapping, pressing, and even stretching to relax the mind and body. This style is unique because it does not require any oils or taking off clothes. Cupping therapy is the most widespread style of Asian massage across Asia. This style involves using glass cups placed on your skin and lit to form a vacuum. The skin vacuum sucks up the skin, and the blood movement releases pains and muscle tension and relieves aches. The oldest Asian massage style is known as Ayurvedic massage. This style combines yoga stretches and deep tissue massage to relax the mind and body.
Cabo, Fernando, and Isaac Aguaristi. "Similarities and differences in East Asian massage and bodywork therapies: a critical review." OBM Integrative and Complementary Medicine 5, no. 1 (2020): 1-1.
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